Why learn Mandarin under hypnosis?

If you want a change of scene, China will transport you to a place of history, science, faith, spirituality and gastronomy.
China is the most highly populated country in the world and has the second largest land surface.
Mandarin is the most common Chinese language and is spoken by more than a billion people!

And what about if it was your turn?

Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world, even more so than English. English remains the language that most people learn as a second language around the world but learning Chinese is certainly useful!
No need to think twice, don't look for any more reasons to take the plunge and learn Mandarin!
Chinese culture
Chinese culture is ancestral. China is the origin of 4 of the biggest inventions that have transformed the world: paper, printing, the compass and gunpowder. A good enough reason to ignite your motivation, don't you think?
As illustrated by the traditional concept of Ying and Yang, Chinese culture today is a mixture of ancient Old World traditions and a westernised lifestyle.
Not to mention other elements of Chinese culture such as architecture, astrology, feng shui and martial arts. By learning Mandarin you can access a whole range of knowledge across a variety of fields of interest.
History of Chinese culture
Throughout Chinese history, traditional festivals have played an important part. For example the Chinese New Year which takes place between mid-January and mid-February is a time to pay homage to their ancestors. This festival is also celebrated in other Asian countries as well as the Chinese community living abroad.
Art is an essential part of Chinese culture. As one of the world's most ancient civilisations, it is not surprising that the Chinese possess a rich art history. Its myriad art forms go from ancient pottery to classical poetry as well as contemporary art installations. Nature also occupies an important place as does philosophy.
Calligraphy is also a determining and differenciating part of Chinese culture. Written Chinese is one the world's oldest languages. It is unique by the fact that even today the Chinese continue to write with characters that are over 5000 years old and being able to do so was once considered to be one of the four traditional skills. Speaking of which, there isn't an alphabet in the Chinese language!
Calligraphy is considered to be an art its own right and used to be one of the four traditional skills to be mastered.
Other elements of Chinese culture are architecture, astrology, feng shui and martial arts. By learning Mandarin you can access a whole range of knowledge across a variety of fields of interest.

years of history make China one of the world's oldest and greatest civilisationsans
China has five thousand years of history and is one of the oldest and most impressive civilisations in the world.
There are 8 different types of traditional cuisine from Anhui, Canton, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan and Zhejiang.
The different cuisines vary in terms of available produce, climate, geography, history, cooking techniques and lifestyle.
It is no exaggeration to describe the way the food is prepared and presented as the ninth art.
Chinese gastronomy combines more than 150 varieties of vegetables, 500 types of fish, 70 different cucurbits, 200 types of mushrooms, 110 animal species: a richness in terms of ingredients, the complexity of cutting and preparation, the use of condiments and spices and cooking methods.

China has the second largest land surface in the world: from the legendary yellow mountains to the famous rainbow lakes in Jiuzhaigou onto the pinnacles of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park where you have the impression you are floating in the air not forgetting Tiger leaping gorge, China's landscapes are breathtaking.
Beyond the natural landscapes, your trip will allow you to discover other classic landmarks such as the Forbidden City and the Great Wall of China.
Learning Mandarin no doubt opens the doors to the world of China but opportunities to speak Chinese can be found all around you in more places than you'd think.
Speaking Chinese is useful all around the world. In fact there are several Chinese communities in cities all over the world particularly in Europe, the USA and Canada .
Learning about Chinese culture and the language arms you with the possibility to seize opportunities wherever you can find them.

Your career
Mandarin is a real asset in today's business world and potential springboard in your career. China is a major economic power and has enormous influence all around the world.
Entrepreneurs and big companies are working ever more closely with China and they need to communicate daily with the partners and suppliers they form relationships with.

Learn MandarinMastering Chinese could be a way for you to connect with Chinese contacts and launch your online business or company in China for example. It's a well-known fact that a close business relationship generally helps you obtain better prices and deals which is not to be sniffed at.